Men of Integrity


Men of IntegrityThe Men of Integrity is a men’s group that is in its third year. We organise a series of monthly activities and fellowship meetings. Matt Bingham and myself, Ian Noble, see our role as coordinating existing and new men’s activities and communicating details of when and where things are happening to those of you that are interested in attending on a regular basis.

We are happy to organise specific activities, but would welcome other men volunteering to spread the load. This might by organising activities or linking with men’s groups in other churches. For instance, if you organise a talk or a walk or know of an outside speaker who might be interesting, please let us know.

If you are interested in attending our meetings or activities contact us by email or via the pigeon holes in Reception.

We would like your e-mail address so we can send out regular updates. We publicise our events in the weekly news sheets and on the website below. See also Forthcoming Events.

Contact us:

Ian Noble (by email or on mobile: 07772 729033)
Matt Bingham (email / mobile: 07795 165498)