Gift Day - 17 October 2021

This year we want to give thanks to God and to you, our congregation, that we are not in the financial dire straits we could have been in, due to the enormous effect of COVID on all our lives. We thank God for the wisdom given to our Rector and leadership to make some adjustments, even before COVID, to set strict budgets helping us to balance our books. We still need to be careful, especially anticipating the significant rise in energy bills, but would like our 2021 Gift Day giving to be shared between ‘church’, to make sure we cover our increased running costs for 2021, and ‘charity’ as extra gifts to each of our three main charities:
London City Mission, Haven in Romania, and Open Doors.

You may donate by cash or cheque
(payable to Frinton PCC St Mary’s Church Frinton and marked Gift Day)
or BACS transfer
(account: Frinton PCC St Mary’s Church Frinton;
sort code 20-21-73; Ac. No. 00391204 ref GiftDay

If you use the card-reader or our donate button, (see below)
please be sure to let the office know how much you donated, and on which particular day.

If you normally donate to the Free Will Offering account,
you can also make Gift Day donations to this account
(account: Frinton PCC Free Will Offering;
sort code 20-21-73, Acc. No. 50391328
but please again use the ref GiftDay.

If you already give via the Parish Giving Scheme you might link to use this link below.

Thank you all for your prayerful support
as we aim to make a difference to our community and further afield.

 Visa / Mastercard