St Mary Magdalene, Parish Church
Sunday Morning Services
Traditional Service
Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship, with organ and choir
Holy Communion on second, fourth & fifth Sundays
All-Age Service (also Livestreamed)
Prayer, worship, Bible talk and
children’s activities during the service
Holy Communion first Sundays
St Mary the Virgin, Old Church
Sunday Evening Services
Traditional Service
Book of Common Prayer or Common Worship, with organ and choir
Holy Communion on first & third Sundays
St Mary the Virgin, Old Church
Wednesday Morning Services
Traditional (said) Communion or Service of the Word
(Book of Common Prayer)
Special Services
On Remembrance Sunday we hold a traditional service of remembrance at 10.30am.
This will be livestreamed.
Of course, at Christmas there will be all sorts of special services,
including our Christingle at 4pm on the second Sunday of December,
and our Carol Service at 6.30pm on a Sunday closer to Christmas Day.
More details will be available on this website throughout the year.
As a Church, we are Bible-based, with a heart for mission and evangelism, supporting initiatives locally, nationally, and internationally. We lead an active and vibrant spiritual life, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and seek to follow him day by day through the power of his Holy Spirit.
Although our main worship services are on Sunday, many other activities take place throughout the week. Our homegroups are at the heart of church life, meeting in different homes for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.
For those enquiring about the Christian faith, or wanting to deepen their understanding, please ask the church office about, Alpha, Start, and Discipleship courses which are held from time to time, depending on demand.
Our services are open to everyone, and we hope you will always receive a warm welcome. We hope too that you will find something that helps you along the road on your own faith-journey.
If you prefer to check on anything before you come, please feel free to contact the Church Office, open most weekday mornings, by dropping in or ringing (01255 679164) or emailing us via We also have a message box.