Happy New Year!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

Grace and Peace to you.

Happy New Year! As we journey through January, the shout of
'Happy New Year' into 2025 may seem like a distant shout.

I have a question in my heart for you: How are you?
I speak of a God shown to us in Christ Jesus who cares about how we are.
Nothing is hidden from him. King David says of God in Psalm 139:2
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
God cares about your life. As you journey in this new year, may I encourage you
to get to know or know more of this God who is so interested
in every fabric of your life, because of His love for you.  

Running the race!As a Church, our Bible verse for 2025 is Philippians 3:14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Though the writer, Apostle Paul, speaks of a race, he is Finish the race!in competition with no one. He is pressing on with the determination to focus his life on that which is ahead, the heavenly prize. As we journey through 2025, a call of encouragement, hear the shout of your supporters gathering around in your journey and saying, “Keep going”, “Don’t give up on hope!”, “Don’t give up!”, and
Press on to reach the end of this year and your own race!”.
Seek after the life Christ has for you. The one who called you,
Jesus Christ, is with you along the way.

As you browse our website, you will find many events, services,
and groups that can help you here at St Mary’s in your race and, conversely,
how you can help others as they press on in their race.

May you know yourselves as loved, valuable and precious in God’s sight.  Press on!

Rev Funmilayo Vaughan - January '25

Helping hands