Christians Against Poverty


Christians Against Poverty

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a charity determined to lift people out of poverty, with the help of local churches. 'Tenpenny Villages,' with other churches in our area, opened a new debt centre in Clacton in April 2018. CAP’s service is unusual because clients are visited in their own home.

The service respects the whole person, knowing that often poor finances are due to a range of other problems, such as relationship breakdown, job loss or ill health. People in debt can feel isolated, feel they’ve failed as parents/partner etc, feel ashamed or 'stuck'. They might be hounded by creditors. There is a significant link with poor mental health; more than a third feel suicidal. CAP’s service is completely free to the client; there are no minimum repayment requirements and it does not matter how much debt someone has, or how low their income. It is available for everyone regardless of age, gender, faith or background.

Christians Against Poverty'Befrienders' also play a key role, supporting clients practically and emotionally, through friendship.  There are several people in that role at St Mary’s. Of paramount importance are the prayer partners underpinning the ministry of Alice Uwizera, the Clacton Debt Centre Manager and Debt Coach as well as supporting the clients.

CAP’s freephone number is 0800 328 0006 and the website is