Child Safeguarding
St Mary Magdalene, Parish Church, Old Road, Frinton,
and incorporating St Mary the Virgin, also in Old Road, Frinton.
The PCC has adopted the recommendations and directives detailed in the following documents:
Protecting all God’s Children (House of Bishops)
This document details the Church of England’s position on the safeguarding of children.
Safeguarding Guidelines relating to Safer Recruitment (House of Bishops)
This document details the Church of England’s directives for the implementation of best practice for the recruitment of paid and volunteer staff who work with children.
Safeguarding Children in Places of Worship (The Church of England in Essex and East London / Diocese of Chelmsford)
This document is our Child Safeguarding Policy it details how we need to conduct our affairs and the contact details of the local authorities and the Parish Child Protection Representative (PCPR), also known as the designated Child Protection Officer (CPO) who should be contacted immediately if you have any concerns that a child might be at risk or is actually suffering abuse.